Monday, March 1, 2010


I was born in Chile.  My parents were missionaries there for thirteen years.  We moved to the States when I was six.

Please pray, pray, pray for the country.  The leadership.  The people.  The efforts to come in and help.
Please pray.

UPDATE:  Here's a translated letter we got from some friends...

Dear Brothers and Sisters [in Christ]:
A big thanks for your worries/concerns for this land that you served with so much love!
Continue praying for our country. Still there are no complete informations about the situation of the brothers and sisters in the regions that have been the most affected, Bio Bio and Maule. Talca is almost completely destroyed (my info: 200,000 people, talking about the buildings), Constitution (a smaller town), and the nearby towns.
There is no electricity nor water and communications are almost impossible.
Continue praying, only God can give comfort and strength to the many people in the sad moment of our beloved Chile.

UPDATE:  Here's another letter recieved from some friends:
It was a terrible earthquake. We were on vacation in front of the beach in Viña del Mar on a 22th floor with the kids at 3:48 am. I can not describe how was it, but in the south was more powerful and the people is suffering with the nonstop trembling (not sure if is the correct word) and social chaos. They don’t have basic services light, water for almost 2 days yet. In the same time we heard on a VHF radio that the sea was contracted 3 to 5 meters and we saw that and was a terrible feeling because it means tsunami! So it was hard but the one and only thing we were in mind was that Jesus was on control of our lives. Maybe someday we will talk about it and share how really was.

1 comment:

The Single Nester said...

Chile is a country I have wanted to visit. Thoughts and prayers to the Chileans.